Problem? Was that dissatisfaction towards me?
You create me
and you take me, such power you have.
This power is
used against us, out of what, boredom?
The simplicity
where you lie could not compare
to the
entertainment of our world;
you had to
come mess things up
just to keep
yourself amused?
Before you
came, I never had a reason to be mad,
never had a
fault I was fearful of. Call me a
but I rather had
walked in the light and burned for it later
than sat in the
corner and sulked. Since we are all
what shame should
we carry on our shoulders?
Don’t threaten
me with your authority;
I’m not here
by choice so I choose to be cross.
Is there a
rule saying we must be cooperative?
Good Lord, so
soon—did you have to steal me so soon?
I was still in
the middle of list making my risk taking.
curiosities in my mind are sure to come about
after the
confusion and denial diminish,
questioning isn’t permitted.
We all spend
our lifetime searching for the unexplained
to find out
it’s a cheap trick; a lonely man stuck out of sight.
But someone
comes to take us, so I assumed it was true.
Now face to
face with my maker, the puzzle comes into view.