Thursday, 12 February 2009

Tick, tock..

Ticking clock goes right, right
Eyes wide open all the night
Tousled sheets, this bed won't know
Dream; a place I can not go

Let’s pause from this whole Love topic and discuss what is beginning to be a new problem in my life:

Sleep. It’s not that I can’t fall asleep; it’s that once I am asleep I don’t wake up. I’ve tried setting my alarm on loud all the way across the room but I just fall back asleep and sleep through the entire day. We’re talking until like 3 or 4 in the afternoon. It may be that my body is resorting back to the time in the east coast USA, but who knows.
My last resort is that I just don’t sleep at all.
If I have class four hours from now what good will it do to say “oh I’ll just take a short nap.” When I know I’ll just sleep through it, again. And I have time in the afternoon to sleep for a few hours after I meet with my tutor.
The worst part is I am beginning to get incredibly tired. My mind is becoming slow and distracted…so these sentences may not make sense. I actually took my contacts out tonight, threw them away got out a new pair for the morning…opened them, put them in and proceeded to put my glasses on as well…no idea what I was doing.
I may need to rest, really…and what am I going to do while I wait for 8:30 to role around? Watch a movie that I won’t pay attention to, cause I’m too tired. Well, I already have the movie Australia starting on another page, so I guess I’ll get back to that.
Happy sleeping everyone.

Monday, 9 February 2009

"And now, I’ll stop the storm if it rains"

A few shorts written quickly...inspired by my time living here in London.
18th January-

We walk the streets paved in rain
As one more dreamer makes their stain
But cold it's not, for in your smile
I'll take a glass and stay a while.


Gentle winds about do blow
Faint rains a steady course don't know
As heads forbidden sleep to take
A book to read or call to make


She doesn't seem to understand
how loneliness dealt her this hand.
Looking hasn't found it easy,
Step back, give up, until you find me.


The air smells sweet from this side of town
And the winds do shake the earth from its ground
But quiet looks from untrained eyes
Only know sweet tunes to cry.


The grayest of skies knows its truth;
No sun to shine in this loves youth.
Only cold sheets wrap me tight,
Only dreams to keep me warm tonight.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

fairytale endings

"But nothing's greater than the rush that comes with your embrace."

I think I’ve been watching too many fairytales.
I should know by now that love isn’t like in the movies.
Still, I can’t help but yearn for someone to love me like in Romeo and Juliet, without the tragic ending. But can such strong love exist without tragedy? Would Tristan still love Isolde if it wasn’t forbidden?
It isn’t fair to push such ideals onto our young moldable minds…it just gives us false hope. In all honestly, I wish I could find such a strong love as Carrie and Big.
I felt something similar once, where stolen glances and secret conversation melted my soul and made my blood rush. But as soon as it’s allowed, it stops being as interesting…
What if it didn’t though…what if love lasted?
In this day and age where a marriage license is easy to come by and divorce is easier, is it fair to say that the sanctity of marriage is still being upheld? No…it’s us trying to write our own fairytales where we’re searching for the tragic everlasting love. After the honeymoon people aren’t ready to face the burdens of marriage…you have to work at it. The best part about having someone to love is not knowing everything about them and that’s what keeps things interesting.
If you go into a relationship thinking you know the stereotype of the person and classify them as such, you’ll be sadly disappointed to find they won’t be what you expect. And, if you don’t let yourself see anything other than this stereotype that you’ve fitted them with, you’ll be missing out on more than you know.
Love isn’t supposed to be easy. It’s not a Disney movie, and it’s certainly not always a tragedy.
Love isn’t always fair,
Love isn’t always kind.
But it is rare,
And it’s worth searching for,
And even more worth holding on to.